Zhijiang Maritime: Held an oil spill emergency drill


With the gradual increase of resumption of production and resumption of ships in the jurisdiction, in order to improve the oil spill emergency level in the maritime department and minimize and reduce environmental pollution in the Yangtze River, on April 11,  according to the "Implementation Plan of" Three Upgrading Actions "requirements,the Zhijiang Maritime Department was held an oil spill emergency drill  at the Dabu Street waterway in the Yangtze River.
This drill was simulated when the bulk carrier “Tongjiang Jixing XX” berthed at the Daze Street waterway Shuize Wharf and then it carried out refueling operations to lifeboat, resulting in some diesel leaked into the river. At 10:20, the drill was officially begun. After the accident, the ship and the terminal immediately started the oil spill emergency plan and reported it to the maritime department. After received the report, the Zhijiang Maritime Department launched an emergency response, instructed the pier and the ship to actively take countermeasures, and assigned "Haixun 12269" ship to the accident site for emergency treatment.
At 10:35, "Haixun 12269" ship arrived at the scene of the accident and quickly guided and organized the work of removing oil pollution by deploying oil absorbent pads and spraying oil dispersants. At 10:55, through joint efforts of various parties, the oil spill at the accident site was cleaned up and the drill was successfully completed.


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