Yangpu Maritime Safety Administration organized and carried out bonded oil filling and pollution prevention emergency dri


Yangpu Maritime Safety Administration organized ship pollutant removal units in its jurisdiction to carry out on-site pollution prevention exercises for bonded oil refueling, and representatives of relevant units conducted on-site observations.

According to reports, the purpose of this exercise is to train like actual combat. It was simulated the occurrence of oil leakage accidents in the process of refilling bonded oil on ships at berths. It adopts accident-free scripts and randomly selects accidental ships. After receiving the accident alert, the cleanup units responded quickly and organized personnel to rush to the accident site as soon as possible. According to the emergency plan, personnel were deployed oil booms and oil absorbent pads to carry out oil spill containment, recovery and sea surface cleanup. The law enforcement personnel supervised the entire process and targeted this drill. They communicated with the relevant person in charge for problems that arise and required timely rectification.

This drill was tested the emergency response capabilities of the cleanup units, improved the actual combat level, laid the foundation for a good pollution prevention situation in the jurisdiction during the Spring Festival transport period, and promoted the healthy development of the ship's bonded oil business.


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