Longhai Haicheng: River dredging and clearing obstacles to improve the water environment


In order to improve the water quality of Haicheng Town’s rivers and the surrounding living environment, Haicheng Town has organized personnel and machinery(including silt curtains) to carry out dredging operations on 13 branch-canal rivers within the jurisdiction of Daixin Village. The expected dredging length is 6,267 meters, and the average dredging thickness is 1.5m. It is estimated that 76.38 million cubic meters of silt will be cleaned, and weeds and trees on both sides of the river will be cleaned. The entire construction site is in order.
Through dredging, it will not only make the river deeper and wider, but also make the river clearer and smoother. The”dirty, chaotic, and poor”phenomenon along the river will also greatly improved, and the production conditions and living environment of the people will significantly improved. In the next step, our town will implement the two-level river chief system in the township and village, draw inferences from one another, implement the territorial responsibility system,we will clarify the main leaders of the villages are the first responsible persons, and the formation of a level-by-level grasping level, level by level implementation, and immediately carry out clean-up, governance and maintenance when problems are found. At the same time,we will increase publicity to ensure the "long-term clean" of rivers in the jurisdiction.

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