Waterway maintenance company conducted water oil spill disposal emergency drill


Yunnan Port Waterway Maintenance Co., Ltd. carried out water oil spill disposal emergency drill.
According to the drill plan, the relevant “construction ship” encountered oil spill when the ship hit the reef in the downstream waters of Jinghong New Bridge. The channel maintenance company promptly dispatched oil spill handling personnel to carry oil pollution-related materials and rushed to the rescue ship as soon as possible After the turning waters of No. 4 dam of Jinghong Dashaba, the company deployed in accordance with the company's ship oil spill disposal plan. Two ships were used to deploy oil booms to prevent the oil from spreading further, and to limit the oil spill to a minimum range. The oil absorbent pads will absorb oil stains, and the recovered oil absorbent pads and oil stains will transport to the port for disposal by a qualified unit after the oil stains are removed. After more than two hours of intense and orderly disposal, the oil spill disposal drill was successfully completed.

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