Fuzhou High-tech Zone launched emergency rescue and disposal drill


Recently, the 2021 flood season water emergency rescue and disposal drill in Fuzhou High-tech Zone was held outside the Xinzhou dyke. District leader Lin Mianjian attended.
The drill was divided into multiple simulation subjects, including transfer of trapped people, search and rescue of people falling into the water, emergency response to ship out of control, and ship oil spill handling. In the transfer of the trapped people, the scene simulated the trapped people on the small island opposite Xinzhou Village upstream of the Pushang Bridge on the Wulong River. The rescue team rushed to the waters to rescue the trapped people.
In the subsequent links, a number of scene simulations were carried out: the ship caught fire on the river, and the Wanbian Maritime Department cooperated with the directly affiliated Maritime Department to rush to the scene for rescue; the ship lost power and could not leave the accident water area, and the marine cruiser took the accident ship away from the scene; the ship’s oil pipeline was burst, diesel oil leaked out of the river, and the sea cruiser went to deal with the oil pollution by using oil booms and oil absorbent pads.

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