Mianyang Youxian District was held 017 water emergency emerg

    In order to improve the emergency ability of emergent water safety incidents and decision- making ability of emergency rescue, minimize the casualties and economic los caused by safety accidents and safeguard the safety of the life and property of the people, on June 28, The 2017-year water emergency rescue drill was organized by Mianyang Youxian District Transport Bureau in the Xianhaihu scenic spot.
    This drill was set up the collision of ships, drowning people rescue, ship fire, professional relief of passengers, marine oil pollution disposal and other subjects, under the direction of command center, the maritime, public security, 120 emergency centers and other emergency departments were immediately taken actions for carrying out rescue, The drowning and injured persons were rescued and transferred to the hospital, the tourists in distress were safely transferred, the ship fire was extinguished, the leaking pollutant was successfully controlled and cleared by oil booms and oil skimmer, and the ship in distress was towed to the safe waters in berthing.
    During the process of the drill, the participants were involved in the practice with actual combat standards, they cooperated and coordinated closely and perfectly completed the training subject. It was fully tested the emergency rescue mechanism of integrated scheduling and practicality and operability of water emergency contingency plans, it was also improved the organization, command, coordination and emergency response capacity of water search and rescue.


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