Changsha Town was completed the 2018 river dredging project

After ten days of intense construction of utilized silt curtains and mud pump machinery, the 1.7-kilometer Xiaogang Henghe River iredging improvement project was completed today in the Gangcheng Village section,Yangkou Port. At this point, the 2018 rural river dredging and rectification project of the district township has been completed and it is ready to apply for completion acceptance.
In order to ensure the smooth flow of the river system in the fourth class of rural areas and maintain the normal cleanliness of the rivers, the towns and districts was taken these rivers as the river dredging project, including the Huankanheng River, the Huankan Dongshu River, the Xiaogang Henghe River, the old seawall and the Dibeixishu river (the south section) these five rivers. It has a total length of 4.7 kilometers and 22,000 square meters earthworks. After the treatment, there will appear clear water and green bank in the river, there will be no weed on the river slope, and there will be no garbage floating on the river surface.

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